Assure Security
This is a security solution for System i and IBM Mainframe. On these platforms it is seldom the external threats, such as hackers and virus attacks, that constitutes a problem. Whenever there is a security issue it is often an internal incident. Accidents and mistakes are the most frequent incidents but also sabotage can occur. Assure Security address the following areas:
Risk Assessment: Produces a detailed report on strength and weaknesses on your environment from a security perspective. To solve a problem, it needs to be identified and defined.
Access Management: Make sure that the right people have the right access and the right authority level.
Monitoring and Reporting: Monitor and report all transactions on your system. Watch out for anomalies and send out an alert whenever one is detected. Who did what and when? Monitoring and reporting can make you compliant to regulations such as SOX, GDPR, HiPAA, PCI-DSS. etc.
Encryption: Encryption tool for data.